NBL* Anibal Estrella

Strelka's legacy.

Video & Digital Branded Content.



Background: Audi’s campaign, Strelka’s Legacy, is a tribute to Strelka, a Russian stray dog who was the first living being to return from space in 1960. Fifty-seven years later, Audi followed the trail of her offspring to search for her current descendants to promote Audi piloted driving technology. The site integrates different components of the campaign, the documentary, the 60-second film and the Audi piloted driving technology, along with additional materials to enrich the story.
Highlights: The site’s design and look contextualizes the Soviet space accomplishment, which is the leitmotif of the campaign. At the same time, it also creates a perfect synergy with the brand’s visual code.
Challenges: It was challenging to incorporate browsing features with multiple layers of content that encourages users to explore the story, especially in the interactive documentary.
Navigational structure: We wanted to create a simple narrative structure that lets users discover the content in a natural, organized manner and obtain a clear idea of what the campaign is about.
My Role: Supporting Silvia's art direction on video edition and website design, managing video and web developers through out the project.
