NBL* Anibal Estrella

Polo Horse.

Integrated campaign.

Volkswagen Spain.


The "Polo Horse" campaign was one of the first integrated VW campaigns in the Spanish market .The communication axis revolves around the question "Why a horse is cool, but a Polo is cooler". The Polo model is targeted to youngsters in Spain. Have you ever felt like an outsider and not belong? so to express this insight, we came with a surrealist idea, with a strong key visual; compare the VW Polo with a horse. Users would be directed to the website through online display ads, prints and the main piece of the campaign, the TV spot.
The campaign is completed with three striking videos in which the horse is subjected to the usual safety, aerodynamic and fuel consumption tests that Volkswagen cars pass. The objective is to feed the brand's Youtube channel and direct the target the campaign's website, where, among other contents, there is an exhaustive comparison between the equipment of the Polo and the horse. In addition, different banners have been developed to interact with the user, inviting them to a simple but addictive game.
The response from users has not been long in coming, which shows the acceptance and the level of connection of the brand with the young public.
My role: Creativity, whole campaign art direction and visual production, also managing the whole digital production, developers and visual artists.

The Website:

The Viral: